Section 4: Conclusions

Open data is a crucial tool in addressing complex corruption networks. There is promising emerging practice, and examples of impact. However, there is a long road ahead to ensure transparency and anti-corruption policies all lead to interoperable data that is useable and effective.

This first version of the Anti-Corruption Open Up Guide highlights the breadth of data that can be used to address corruption networks.

In some areas, such as contracting, and beneficial ownership, strong progress towards standardised, interoperable and open data is being made. In other areas, such as land ownership, or interest disclosures, there are fewer standards or global initiatives to create such datasets.

This highlights the need for governments to move beyond high-level open data commitments, to focus on implementation and publication of specific datasets. The list in Chapter 2, and the further detail in Appendix 1 should help guide this.

It also highlights a need for multi-stakeholder collaboration around standards for key datasets. This is an important area for work by supporters of the International Open Data Charter.

Charter Open Up Guides are living documents. Over the coming year we hope this document will be updated with further details and case studies, showing the impacts that emerge when activists, governments, journalists and the private sector can put their effort into data use, rather than data gathering.

Get involved in shaping the guide further at or get in touch with the Charter team:

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