
This project was made possible through the collaboration of various individuals and institutions who generously contributed their time and expertise about open data, the relevant theoretical concepts of care, and their knowledge of the various human and physical infrastructures that comprise the care economy. We are grateful for their valuable contributions:

The International Development Research Centre (IDRC) for supporting the development of this project.

To the Office of Statistics and Census of the city of Buenos Aires, especially Marisa Miodosky and María Eugenia Lago, who on behalf of the Government of the City of Buenos Aires initiated this process of building a System of Care Indicators. To Dulce Colín, from the Women's Secretariat of Mexico City, who opened the doors to the project so that it could be implemented in a second city (available here).

And also, to all the experts who contributed their knowledge to the development of this project: María Ángeles Durán, researcher and expert in the analysis of unpaid work, for providing the theoretical direction of the project, Cynthia Michel, researcher at CIDE, Estela Roselló Soberón, from the Seminar on Care for Life and the Common Good at UNAM, Fernanda García Sanchez from IMCO, all three experts in the care economy, for contributing with interviews and mentoring on the implementability of the standard in real contexts. To Ali González from Codeando México for her contributions in authoring this guide.

Finally, we thank the Global Care Alliance for supporting the dissemination and launching of the project.

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